Greetings Texas-Southeast colleagues,
Hope everyone has had a wonderful summer break and able to spend quality time with your family and friends.
Recently we’ve had a couple of very successful events. A few highlights are as follows:
The 14th Annual Disparities in Health in America summer workshop held on June 20-25, developed by Executive Director of HDEART, Dr. Lovell A. Jones, was the most successful workshop to date. ACHE-SETC participated and co-sponsored this 6-day workshop which hosted a record attendance of more than 500 individuals who attended the workshop either in person or via streaming.
Our Third Quarter Breakfast Session held on August 4 offered ACHE members and guests an opportunity to enjoy a presentation by Dan Clarin, Senior Vice President, Kaufman Hall’s Strategic and Financial Planning practice, on “How to Develop a Successful Retail Healthcare Strategy.” It was an interesting topic with an audience of over 200.
The Golf Tournament Committee has rescheduled the SouthEastTexas Chapter Annual golf tournament for April 2017. More information will be announced as soon as details have been finalized.
All the best,
Todd Caliva
Regent for Texas – Southeast
Chief Executive Officer
West Houston Medical Center