
Want to get more involved with ACHE-SETC?

Join a chapter committee to give back and make an impact!

Please contact Mark Biscone at to be assigned a committee or to get more information.

Click below to learn more each committee.
Chapter Awards Committee

This committee focuses on the recognition of our volunteers, the committee leaders, our mentors, the volunteer Leadership for the Chapter and Educational Foundation, our newly appointed Fellows, Regent Award Winners, National Service Award Winners, and the annual awards for our Chapter members such as Volunteer of the Year and Sponsor of the Year.  The committee organizes annual award ceremonies. This committee is also in charge of reviewing and rating the scholarship applications and presenting its awardee recommendations to the Chapter Board. 2024 Chair: Megan Pfister

Community Service and Philanthrophy Committee

This committee works on planning and coordinating community service events for the Chapter, both in the civic and the health sectors. It also coordinates fundraising activities and development and execution of a marquee fundraiser event, the Annual Sporting Clays Tournament & Scholarship Fundraiser. 2024 Chairs: Daniela Martin del Campo and Jennifer Jaromahum

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

This committee works on recognizing and increasing diversity and inclusion in our Chapter.  It helps plan and hold a DEIB panel at every Healthcare Leadership Conference we host in late Fall, and holds an Annual mini-conference each Summer.  It is responsible for collaborating with the diversity focused groups in other healthcare-leadership organizations, such as NAHLE, NAHSE, AAHL, etc. 2024 Chair: Tyara Barge & Helen Kan

Education and Events Committee

This committee works on major events for the Chapter, such as our annual Leadership Conference, What’s Up Boss? Event, Quarterly Breakfast Meetings, etc. 2023  Chairs : Jaishma Devaiah & Mitali Paul

Local Program Council (LPC)

The Beaumont Local Program Council (LPC) serves as a local group that conducts education and networking events at the local level.  The LPC serves the areas surrounding Beaumont, TX.  2024 Chairs: Justin Doss and Sammy Davis

Marketing and Communications Committee

This committee focuses on developing the ACHE-SETC brand, marketing the events of the Chapter, producing a quarterly newsletter, producing & curating relevant content, and maintaining the ACHE-SETC website & the ACHE-SETC LinkedIn page. 2023 Chair:   Caliann FergusonSophie Herrera

Member Advancement Committee

This committee works on supporting the advancement of our members in the attainment of their Fellow status in ACHE.  This consists of education on the requirements of becoming a FACHE, mentoring candidates, and providing a Board of Governors Exam Review Course for the applicants two times per year – once in the Spring and once in the Fall.  2024 Chair:  Cole Kaleta & Danie Freeman

Membership & Retention Committee

This committee works to welcome new members of the Chapter, addresses issues to enhance member satisfaction, executes programming to grow the chapter membership, and retain our members over the course of time. 2024 Chairs:  Jessica PierceChristine Young

Mentorship Committee

This committee develops and expands our Chapter’s mentorship program.  It has recently revised the application processes for Mentors & Mentees, adapted these to an electronic online format, and transitioned the program to two annual cohorts.  2024 Chairs: Bianca Daswani & Carlo Pangilinan

Networking and Relations Committee

This committee provides specific opportunities for networking and relationship building. 2021 Events included a several virtual Guided Tasting events and several in person networking events such as an ice cream networking social.  2024 Chair:  Nimrah Saleem & Sarah Henderson

Strategic Partnership Committee

This committee develops synergistic relationships with other organizations to expand and enhance our sponsorship program, which allows our Chapter to enhance its programming offerings and award of scholarships.  2024 Chairs: Hunter Snyder

Student Membership and Involvement Committee

This committee focuses on our student members, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. This group develops events and content for students, and strives to grow our student membership and involvement in our Chapter.

2024 Co-Chairs: E. Marisa Luera & Annie Chuoke

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