2015 President’s Winter Letter

craig-cordolaAlready 2015 is coming to a close and, as I write this message, it gives me an immeasurable amount of pride reflecting on what great things we were able to achieve over the past 12 months. Before I begin to discuss a few of this year’s accomplishments, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to several groups of individuals who made this year’s success possible.

To our members, thank you for your support during the year. Without you, this chapter would not exist. It has been my pleasure to serve you.

To our volunteers, you play an integral role in the success of ACHE-SETC. You have spent countless hours serving on your committee(s) ensuring that the chapter continues to achieve professional greatness in the services it provides. I admire your selflessness, commitment and determination to help make the chapter a highly respected professional association. I am humbly grateful for your service.

To our sponsors, it is because of your generosity and financial support that we have been able to carry out such a successful year. The chapter greatly values the relationships we have developed and strengthened and we look forward to finding ways to assist you in further developing your organization’s growth as we continue to work together.

And to the chapter’s board of directors, I cannot thank you enough for all your support. You have remained committed, optimistic and energetic throughout the year. Your dedication and support made my role as president almost effortless. As I continue on the board as past president I look forward to working with you and my successor, Jack Buckley, and the four new board members who I know will look forward to supporting the chapter to the best of their abilities.

This past January, as I began my role, the primary focus for the year was to provide quality, quarterly sessions with speakers that were outside our industry box but yet could speak on issues in their areas of expertise that we could all relate to within our own profession. In addition, I believed these speakers could provide a clear message for effectiveness that was applicable to many, regardless of organizational position.

  • Based on membership evaluations of each speaker that goal was achieved. I am also pleased to summarize the following key accomplishments for 2015 as follows:
  • Chapter membership increased from 1387 members to 1514 (9.2%)
  • Membership retention rate increased from 76% to 78% (2.6%)
  • Total chapter events increased from 46 to 71 (54.3%)
  • Total attendees hours increased from 7,894.8 to 19,589.6! (148.1%)
  • Education & networking performance of the chapter exceeded the ACHE standard of 11.2 resulting in an increase to 14.1 (a favorable variance of 2.9 (25.9%))
  • Total Fellows in the chapter has increased from 242 to 255 (5.4%)
  • Total members eligible to advance to a FACHE increased from 427 to 466 (9.1%)

Know that the above accomplishments would not have occurred without the collective efforts of our members, volunteers, sponsors and board members.

Happy holidays to you and your family and best wishes for a successful 2016! And as always, if there is anything I can do to assist you please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly.


Craig Cordola
President, Central/West Region
Memorial Hermann Health System
(O) 713.242.2678
(e) craig.cordola@memorialhermann.org

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Regent’s Winter 2015 Message