President’s Spring 2019 Message
John (Jack) Buckley, Jr., FACHE
Welcome to this edition. ACHE-SETC’s 2019 theme is “Bold Innovation: the New Era of Medicine”. On January 31, the 1st Quarter Session guest speaker was Toby Hamilton, MD, Executive Director, Healthcare Innovators Professional Society, TMC’s Innovation Institute. He presented his topic on, “Innovation as a Moral Imperative” to an audience of 200 plus.
May 9, for the 2nd Quarter Session, attendees will have the opportunity to hear Carole Montgomery, MD, FHM, MHSA, representing Respecting Choices discuss a “System for Person-Centered Decision Making that Transforms Healthcare”. It’s common knowledge that most of the funds expended for medical care over a lifetime are spent in the last few month of a patient’s life. How can families and providers better understand the wishes of the patient, eliminating tough decisions during a very difficult time? Join your colleagues as this critical discussion begins on May 9th. Visit for details.
For the 3rd Quarter Session, August 29, Tim Garson, Jr., MD, MPH, Director of the Texas Health Policy Institute, will address perspectives on the use of staff at the top of their license, thereby developing more team-oriented care and enhancing the satisfaction of care givers for their roles.
The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) is your professional organization for education, collegiality and networking, as well as professional performance accountability. Be sure to maximize your engagement with ACHE through active participation in your ACHE-SouthEastTexasChapter.
Please mark your calendar for the Chapter’s 7th Annual Leadership Conference, Tues., October 29 – Wed., October 30, at the new InterContinental Houston – Medical Center. Earn 12 hours of ACHE F2F CEUs and multiple Qualified Education credits.
ACHE will send the 2019 Chapter Member Needs Survey, by email in May 6 – 24, to all members who have been chapter members for more than one year. Feedback from this survey is very important, in terms of general satisfaction of SETC’s programs and services such as education, networking and your rating of overall satisfaction with SETC. Please take the time to complete the survey.
Your Chapter Board, during their annual retreat May 9, will address the feasibility of broadcasting quarterly educational sessions to outlying areas. Watch for an update on their findings.
We look forward to seeing you at the next Educational Session.
ACHE-SETC Chapter President