The 2017 Chapter Member Needs Survey will be sent May 8–26 via email to all ACHE members who have been chapter members for more than one year. The survey was developed and will be administered by ACHE’s Division of Member Services, Research. Results will be available by September and shared at the Chapter Leaders Conference, Sept. 18–19 in Rosemont, Ill.
The 2017 survey asks about your familiarity and satisfaction with your chapter and also focuses on the chapter’s events and volunteer opportunities.
As your chapter president, I encourage you to respond to the survey so the results are as representative as possible. Based on our members’ participation for 2016 the results were greatly appreciated. Please take the time to complete this year’s survey. Your input does make a difference.
Thank you.
Jeanna Barnard, FACHE
President, ACHE-SETC