Have you heard the scoop? It’s time for our 3rd annual ice cream networking social!
A true fun-day… come and meet in-person, out in the open air, for ice cream and friendly faces! Come join us at River Oaks Park – Bring a friend, spouse, co-worker, your kiddos, or all of the above! This is a chance to network, socialize, & enjoy yummalicious ice cream provided by Mooseum Ice Cream. They offer cones, dishes, milkshakes, slushies, coffee drinks, and other wonderful desserts. Tickets are $10, and each ticket is good for an ice cream treat or drink at the Mooseum Ice Cream Truck!
River Oaks Park is located at 3600 Locke Lane, Houston, TX 77027
This event is brought to you by the Networking & Relations Committee.