Dear Healthcare Professionals,
As I near the end my term as the President of ACHE-SETC, I am reminded of being so blessed to have had an opportunity to work with some incredibly talented people within the chapter’s circle of highly professional members.
It has been a privilege to provide service to the chapter and work with fellow board members who help provide the leadership for ensuring that ACHE-SETC continues as one of the largest and highly respected chapters affiliated with ACHE. As Past- President, I look forward to supporting Jack Buckley as he begins his term as President and continuing to serve you in ways that add value to the future direction of the chapter. The board and I look forward to focusing on additional ways to strategically grow the chapter and provide what you as members want.
As 2018 comes to close I want to thank the chapter board and committees for all the support they provided this year. Special thanks to volunteer team leaders Tyara Barge and Cescely Collins for all the hard work and countless hours they invested in coordinating the many volunteers to support each event throughout the year and the healthcare leadership conference. Much of the success of our chapter events are dependent on highly committed and skilled volunteers and their dedication is greatly appreciated. I would also like to express my appreciation to Don Gibson, our chapter administrator, for all his work to ensure the smooth running of the chapter.
Reflecting back there is much to celebrate. For example, a recent chapter survey analysis of the past three years (2016- 2018) revealed the following:
• SETC consistently outperforms “all chapters’ mean” overall member satisfaction.
• SETC members have higher satisfaction with the services they consider as highly important compared to all chapters
• SETC events are well attended compared to the attendance in all chapters
Thanks to the chapter’s “re-instatement campaign” the chapter membership is currently 1460. The goal is to reach 1500 or more by January. Thank you for your support!
Wishing you and yours happy holidays and a great New Year!
Paul O’Sullivan, FACHE