As the new year 2016 dawns for all of us, what a great opportunity the members of the ACHE-SETC have afforded me this year. The chance to work with Craig Cordola, as he directed our efforts to provide substantive educational programs and grow the chapter’s membership was spectacular. I thank Craig for his leadership and the other members of the Board with whom I have had the opportunity to serve for their focus and dedication to the interests of the ACHE affiliates in the Southeast Texas region of the ACHE.
I want to thank our retiring Board members, Michelle Riley-Brown, Sandra Murdock and Murray Cote for their support and leadership to the Chapter. We also welcome four new members to the Board this year: Carlos Escobar, Bill Hyslop, Chanda Cashen Chacon and Richelle Webb Dixon. Please say hello to these retiring and new Board members and thank them for their service to you.
The returning Board members, Craig Cordola, Gerald Goodman, Andrew James., Raymond Khoury, Ed Tucker, Adam Walmus and Jessie Tucker are most willing to assist you in meeting your career objectives and adding to the capabilities of our Chapter. Please thank these leaders who are willing to invest themselves in your professional development.
The chance to work with Jeanna Barnard, our President-elect; Lee Revere, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer; and Cliff Bottoms as Treasurer is welcomed. A strong and steady guide for us all is Don Gibson, our Chapter Administrator.
Our clinical expertise in the region is unsurpassed in the world. Our affiliates are working steadfastly to protect the patients we are privileged to serve in our facilities and to provide leadership to the direct caregivers and those who assist them.
I do hope that you will not leave it all up to the 2016 Board to do the work. Your active participation in our quarterly breakfast sessions (By the way, bring a potential member to one of these sessions! You will be glad you did.); joining a committee; and volunteering for the golf tournament and other service opportunities are highly encouraged.
This is also a great time to thank our generous sponsors of the Chapter’s breakfast sessions, educational sessions and other special events. These sponsors make it possible to bring in interesting and innovative speakers and provide for the quality of our programs. If you know of an organization that might consider sponsoring an event or program, please let me or Don Gibson know.
As we begin 2016, we face a major crossroads on a national basis: This is an election year with many national, regional and local healthcare issues to be determined at the ballot box in November. My challenge to you as leaders, in your personal and organizational lives, is to encourage your family members and colleagues at work to register to vote and to indeed vote in the primary and general elections this year. As leaders within our families and organizations, we owe it to our family members and colleagues, as well as all those serving with our United States Armed Forces protecting our rights and freedoms.
If anyone is interested in helping organize an informal day at the Ballpark with the Astro’s as a special event for the Chapter affiliates this year, please let me know.
On behalf of the 2016 Board members, we look forward to serving you and working to advance your professional careers.
Until next time, HOWDY!
Jack Buckley, FACHE
President, ACHE-SETC Chapter
Executive-in-Residence, Texas A&M MHA Program
(o) 979.436.9432
(c) 979.820.0692