Frequently your Chapter’s professional members want to know the answers to various questions about ACHE membership, ACHE-SETC, event details, etc. We encourage you to check this column each week for a new questions and answers so that you may learn more details about your Chapter.
I have recently moved to the Houston area and would like to transfer to the local chapter. How do I go about making a transfer?
First, welcome to Houston and your new Chapter home, the ACHE-SouthEastTexasChapter (ACHE-SETC)! We look forward to your participating in your Chapter’s events and meeting new friends. To ensure that you receive all emails about upcoming events you are encouraged to update your ACHE profile. Go to and click on the tab, “My ACHE” and edit your profile that includes your new contact information. Members that have recently transitioned in their career or have relocated, but still located in the southeast Texas region should also update their profile. Your Chapter’s administrative office relies on the ACHE data base to notify its members about upcoming events and provide other announcements. You may also, periodically, check your Chapter’s website ( and click on the “Events” tab for announcements about upcoming events.
I am interested in participating in an ACHE Board of Governor’s Exam (BOGE) workshop or study group. I have heard that my Chapter provides such a program to help prepare candidates for preparing for their ACHE Fellow Credential. Can you tell me more?
Yes, your chapter supports and encourages its members to become board certified in healthcare management and earning the FACHE credential. Having the distinction of FACHE signifies your expertise, experience and commitment to continuing education and professional development. To learn more about the major requirements you must meet to earn the FACHE credential go to and click on the tab “Credentialing”.
ACHE-SETC, with the support of its Board of Directors, provides a workshop that covers the 10 Knowledge Areas covered on the BOGE by providing a comprehensive review of the key areas and practice exams over a period of several weeks. The sessions are held every other Saturday (9:00am – 1:00pm) for five Saturdays. Two of the 10 Knowledge Areas are covered each Saturday, with two weeks in between to allow participants time to review the two Knowledge Areas covered previously. BOGE workshops are scheduled based on the number of members that have expressed an interest in registering for the sessions. A minimum of 15 participants are required to conduct a workshop. The workshops are $250, which helps defray administrative and material expenses. If you are interested in participating in a BOGE workshop please contact ACHE-SETC Administration: 281-398-7877 or Email:
How do I become a member of ACHE-SETC?
First, you must be a current dues paying member of ACHE national organization in Chicago. To join, go to On the first page click on the tab, “JOIN ACHE” followed by a click on “Join or Reinstate” under the “Membership Link” on the left side of the page. Next click on “Apply for Membership” and follow the steps for completing the application process.
If reinstating your membership Click here, click on the tab, “JOIN ACHE” and under “Membership Link” follow with a click on “Reinstate Your Membership” and complete the required steps.
Why isn’t there more food variety at the quarterly breakfast sessions?
We have all learned from experience that when it comes to providing food during events not everyone is pleased with the choice of selections. Some prefer all healthy choices, some prefer non-healthy foods, some prefer vegetarian, and some believe the portions are too small or too large or the food just doesn’t meet their standards. Various menu choices have been made over the past year as a result of polling our members. Buffet style has been considered, but is not practical or as efficient as serving at the tables. Serving lines tend to delay the start of the program and frequent movement of event attendees among the tables is a distraction to those presenting at the podium. Ideally, if each attendee could order what they prefer, that would certainly please a lot of attendees, but it would be a very impracticable process for food preparation and delivery to the tables in a timely manner. For those who have diet restrictions contact the Chapter’s office ( at the time of your registration or at least three days prior to the event. Also, please be advised that last minute cancellations will not warrant a refund as the Chapter, at that point, will be obligated for the cost of your meal. Cancellations must be emailed at least two days prior to the event.
Why isn’t there more networking time during the quarterly breakfast sessions?
You have probably heard the saying, “network or not work”. The leaders of your Chapter recognize the tremendous importance of networking and encourage members to network as much as possible. However, networking time is very limited at quarterly breakfast sessions (to primarily a “meet and greet” opportunity) due to the demands of the schedule for that morning.
The good news this year for networking opportunities is BIG! October 22 – 25, you will have three days to attend over 50 Category I, Category II and academic sessions (in the TMC) and network with local, national, and international attendees at the 1st International Conference Healthcare Leadership (a collaborative effort by the Educational Foundation of the SouthEastTexasChapter and your Chapter, ACHE-SETC). For a copy of the Conference brochure and to register check out your Chapter’s website. Also, there are details about the Conference in your Chapter’s 3rd Quarter Newsletter. In addition, you can network during the quarterly breakfast events scheduled, September 12, and December 5.