This is my last message as Regent for Texas – Southeast. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to represent our chapter for the last three years. I have been honored to work with my colleagues from around the country and to learn of the great work that volunteer healthcare leaders from the chapter level to the Board of Governors perform in order to make ACHE the leading professional organization that it is. I have enjoyed tremendous support from ACHE staff and I am certain that our new Regent, Jessie L. Tucker III, PhD, FACHE will be as blessed.
The privilege of welcoming new members and advancing Fellows, visiting with graduate students and recognizing deserving leaders with Regent’s Awards have been the highlights of my term and given me a greater appreciation for the wealth of talent in our Chapter.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to serve and I look forward to a bright and successful future for the healthcare leaders of southeast Texas.
Edgar L. Tucker, FACHE
Regent for Texas-Southeast