Following the success of the Spring Fling, the ACHE – SouthEastTexasChapter Membership Committee ventured to organize a Summer Social for the first time, at Two Rows Restaurant, on Friday, July 31. Seventy attendees enjoyed themselves while networking with other healthcare professionals and several new prospects expressed appreciation for information about ACHE national and the local chapter ACHE-SETC. Amongst the attendees were also members of the Board of Directors – Ron Castagno, FACHE, Deborah Alsante, FACHE, Clare Rose, FACHE and Beryl Ramsey, FACHE, who spent time with the attendees and wholeheartedly supported the event.
Attendees enjoyed some networking games and fabulous prizes. Among the prizes were two waivers for the ACHE-SETC 3rd Quarter Educational session, one waiver for a Category 1 Session, four Starbucks gift cards, two free hours of executive coaching with Don Gibson, FACHE (Quantum Health Resources & Associates) and three executive lunches that included Edgar L. Tucker Jr., FACHE (President/Chair of ACHE – SETC and Sr. VP, Texas Medical Center), Craig A. Cordola, FACHE (CEO, Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital) and Ronald J. Castagno, FACHE (VP, St. Luke’s Episcopal Healthcare System) were the executives that graciously supported the committee’s efforts to help encourage new membership and allowed us to raffle lunches on their behalf. We also raffled off a one night stay and dinner for two at the Holiday Inn!
The event also generated the interest of some potential sponsors for future chapter events. The leads have been shared with Sponsorship Committee representatives.
ACHE – SETC has several more events planned for the year, including opportunities to give back to the community. Please keep checking with us on our website.