Add to Calendar – 3-20-2024

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Add to Calendar 3/20/2024 12:00 PM 3/20/2024 1:00 PM America/Chicago FACHE Overview Webinar Whether you’ve determined now is the time for you to begin the process toward FACHE or you’re still deciding, the next stop on your journey is our FACHE Overview Webinar. Gain an overview of the FACHE process, including the Board of Governors Exam, during this complimentary webinar with live Q&A. Meeting ID: 825 9248 6154 Passcode: 841413 --- One tap mobile +13462487799,,82592486154#,,,,*841413# US (Houston) --- Dial by your location • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 825 9248 6154 Passcode: 841413 Find your local number: Zoom