Greetings ACHE – SouthEastTexasChapter Member,
Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful holiday season. I know that some of us are glad to see 2020 behind as we continue to deal with one of the most difficult times in healthcare. The pandemic has truly been a challenge to everyone. However, as I reflect on what we have accomplished as healthcare leaders there is so much that we should be proud of. Throughout the pandemic, we have worked tirelessly to serve our communities, protect the health of our patients, their families, and colleagues, supported one another through difficult times, and have taken this challenge head on… and will soon move beyond this difficult time. The same is true for our Chapter, our leaders and volunteers that have stepped up to help us deal with what we all commonly call our “new normal”. We quickly adjusted to the challenges that our chapter faced, especially with the inability to meet in person for networking and education events. We adapted to a virtual world and it’s use for meetings and education sessions. In short, the virtual world provided us with opportunities to be innovative which enabled us to keep our members educated and connected with one another. We even had the opportunity to connect with members from other states and countries. As we reflect on 2020 as a chapter, we are so proud of our accomplishments including the development of 9 Chapter Committees, recruited over 115 volunteers, and completed:
- 639 networking hours
- 458 volunteering hours
- 4,392 education hours
- Our first online Board of Governors’ exam review course for 81 people raised $4,809.00 for charity
In 2021, we are looking to expand on our successes of 2020. So, if you are up to the task and want to help please let us know. We are always looking for those who want to help by providing innovative ideas and ways to improve our chapter. National has been very supportive of our members and 2021 will provide new opportunities to meet the educational needs of our members. ACHE National will have their annual conference (ACHE Congress) fully online this year from March 22 – 25, 2021. Registration and more information can be found here: As a chapter we are also looking ahead to the post-pandemic period when it is safe to conduct in-person events. Please save the date for our Annual Leadership Conference on October 28-29, 2021 at the InterContinental Hotel Houston Medical Center. We will also hold a panel with TMC Administrative Fellows in July, and an online What’s Up Boss? event in November. Mark your calendars now for our 1st Quarter Breakfast meeting (virtual) on March 11, 2021.
As I close, I would like to again thank and applaud our members for your exceptional leadership and dedication. You all are truly healthcare heroes. On behalf of our Chapter Board I want to thank you for your tremendous work and passion. Wishing you and your families a safe and healthy 2021!
Noel J. Cárdenas, FACHE